Seller registration is considered under the following general conditions. All applications are systematically processed and registering. None of the sellers Verbally register.

  1. Seller registration is done according to a certain method. It considers various criteria such as market position, nature, demand, supply, competitor behavior, seller market nature, seller good behavior and other conditions. Other criteria to consider are the documents, licenses, photographs, certificates, registration information, etc.
  2.  You will be registered according to the product categories you requested.
  3. If you are not a registered private company or government seller, you must send us a clear photograph of yourself (without headcovers & caps), a copy of your identity card or passport ( If possible) , and any bill or any proof under your name or address, it is for the security of all users and to avoid fake people many as possible.
    This is for internal usage, it only needs to send these things if your seller application is accepted.
  4. We will send you an email if your application is received. Incomplete applications may be rejected without notice.
  5. We will confirm within two weeks by email whether your application has been accepted or not. Sometimes your application may be withheld due to various reasons, thus we do not approve all seller applications.
  6. Only one account is allowed for a seller according to their National Identity Card number. It is not allowed other person's identity card numbers to register with us. ID Cardholder and applicant must be the same person.
  7. If you intend to sell food, you must send us photos of your kitchen/cooking area and packaging to ensure that you use hygienic and other standard methods.

    Whether it is an old or modern cooking area, You should follow standard hygienic methods, we consider; good place, quality products, clean cooking area, etc. It needs to be updated, your application may reject if you are unable to maintain quality.

  8. You must always be a true and honest seller when trouble arose.
  9. You should never come to our platform to cheat or misbehave. Faulty sellers can be removed without notice.
  10. You must agree to our terms, conditions, norms, and laws . If not, do not register with us. We strictly follow our guidelines to minimize the issues.

  • If you want to become our long-term buyer, fill out the form that applies to register you as a long term buyer and send it to us. After considering the information, your application will be accepted as a long term buyer.
  • If you provide false information, you will be removed as soon as it verified. Therefore, avoid giving false information. See 'Buyer Registration Page and Become a Buyer' page for more information.

  • A domestic seller is a seller who makes products at home and sells to other sellers or customers.
  • You can list your products on our platform which made in your home, your garden, or your farm.
  • You can be a housewife, unemployed, employed, day laborer, student, part-time, or full-time employee that can sell products made in-home or garden.
  • You can do it full-time or part-time, by any means If your name would be promoted through our platform, later it will give you a good opportunity to start your own business otherwise you can move to the next level.
  • As products, you can make and sell, cakes, local sweets, meals, desserts, other homemade products, handicrafts, etc.
  • If your home grown vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. cannot be sold or have to be discarded, you can sell it in advance at our online store. It can be manufactured and sold even in small quantities and can be used to make a profit from what is lost.

  • The difference between a home seller and a retailer is that the home seller sells his own products while the retailer buys products from another party and sells them on our platform or out of the platform.

  • If you are a registered supermarket, you can register as a supermarket in our network.
  • If you are a large-scale supermarket chain, you can register under the large-scale category membership plan, otherwise, you can send us a special request for small and medium supermarket stores.
  • We will give custom offers to all supermarkets on our platform.
  • We don't allow the export facility for a supermarket.

  • A key component of our business is to focus on Export wholesale trade and set up a mechanism. Are you already a wholesaler? Or want to get involved? Then you can join as a wholesaler.
  • If you do both the wholesale and retail you will need to register under Wholesale membership plan.  
  • To be considered a wholesaler, you must have the relevant product or supply stock & capacity.
  • You must mention your supply or wholesale capacity when you register.
  • We will not accept you as a wholesaler if the supply capacity for each product is not sufficient upon products.
  • If you do both wholesale and retail, you will need to set separate prices for each product in our system.
  •  As you a whole-seller, you can expand your business into various international market.

  • Regardless of your production volume, you can be involved as a manufacturer if you are producing any product or group of products.
  • You can join us as a sole proprietor, medium scale manufacturer or large scale manufacturer.
  • You will be considered as a manufacturer only if you have the relevant equipment, machinery to process any product or group of product with a certificate of authorization. Duplicates of license documents for production should be sent to us.
  • If you manufacture for retail, wholesale and export, you will need to quote separately in pricing option.


  • Irrespective of the seller's country, one of the main objectives of our business is to find foreign markets for local goods.
  • We get assistance from foreign dealers for global market expansion.
  • If you want to expand your business in other countries as an export company or as an individual, you can contact us for new business capabilities.
  • If you are currently a registered exporter and you have the relevant certificates and quality certificates for exporting, please email us with duplicates.
  • As a special notice, the quality of all exports through us must be of European standard. We need to make sure that every product is in good condition.
  • If you export low-quality products, it will have an impact on your country and industry, if products receive quality issues, we may temporarily stop you or ban you.
  • Therefore, the products and packaging must be prescribed according to the export nature.
  • You can find the European quality standards for each product by browsing the internet.
  • You must specify all shipping charges, costs of export and you must complete all export procedures.
  • We are not directly involved in the export process.
  • You must provide us with its track number once the shipment is made.
  • You should follow a proper export system, where you should include insurance coverage, goods cancellation policy, damage, return of export goods, and compensation in your account description or item description.

  • If you are another registered online store or network like ours, you can contact us if you would like to increase revenue.
  • You need to be a registered online entity.

If you do not belong to any of the above but you also want to make business opportunities with us, you can get more details by sending us an email.

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