Seller Membership Fees


Seller Membership

  • If accepted as your seller application you can become a member of our platform.
  •  You cannot be a seller without being a member.
  •  There are 7 types of seller membership plans; You can choose the membership plan you want according to your situation, ability, and need.
  •  If you want to increase or decrease the membership, you can cancel the current status at any time and update it through the system.

Seller Membership Benefits

  • Free Features
  • Pro Feature

Free Features


  • Profile
  • Address
  • Social
  • Verification
  • Membership

Settings Inside

  • Logo
  • Banner
  • Name
  • Description
  • Phone


  • Manage Products
  • Add Products
  • Publish Products
  • Edit Live Products
  • Delete Products


  • Simple
  • Variable
  • Grouped
  • External / Affiliate
  • Virtual
  • Downloadable


  • SKU
  • Price
  • Sale Price
  • Sales Schedule
  • Short Description
  • Description


  • Add Attribute
  • Add Attribute Term
  • Rich Editor
  • Featured Product
  • Duplicate Product
  • File Import
  • File Export
  • Quick Edit
  • Bulk Edit
  • Stock Manager


  • Featured Image
  • Gallery Image
  • Category
  • Add Category
  • Brands
  • Add Brands
  • Tags
  • Add-ons
  • Toolset Fields
  • ACF Fields
  • Location


  • Inventory
  • Shipping
  • Taxes
  • Linked
  • Attributes
  • Advanced
  • Catalog
  • Shipping Tracking


  • View Orders
  • Status Update
  • View Details
  • Add/Edit Order
  • Delete Order
  • View Comments
  • Submit Comments
  • Export CSV
  • View Commission

Delivery Management

  • Delivery Person
  • Delivery Time

Groups & Staffs

  • Manage Group
  • Manage Managers
  • Manage Staff


  • Withdrawal Request
  • Transactions
  • Transaction Details


  • Store Settings
  • Capability Controller
  • Store Branding
  • Location
  • Shipping
  • Payment
  • Policies
  • Customer Support
  • Store Hours
  • Vacation


  • Notification
  • Direct Message
  • Knowledge base


  • Notice
  • Topic Reply


  • Inquiry
  • Inquiry Reply

Support Ticket

  • View / Manage
  • Allow Reply
  • Notice
  • Notice
  • Topic Reply
  • Notification
  • Notification
  • Direct Message
  • Knowledge base

Pro Features

Following pro features, you are free to select under any membership plan. Everything set up automatically once you select a membership plan, thereafter you can sell directly to buyers.

Unlimited product adding

Adding Product

14 categories and unlimited sub-categories

Product Category

Without Admin approval sellers can go live with products

Live Products

Your own online store Allocation

Seller Membership

Unlimited Customers

Customer Capacity

Internal Buyer & Seller Chatting System

Chat Box

Export facilities for foreign buyers


Unlimited Staff & Group Adding

Staff & Group

Periodical sales report Pdf


Accounting & Bank Loan Support

Ledger Book

Products, Sales, Countries Analytics


Annual Pro Features & Seller Membership Fees


Free Yearly
  • Customer Limits - 100
  • Number of orders - 50
  • Product Categories Limit (1/14)
  • Storage Limit (500 MB)
  • Group and Staff - 5
  • Export - Incoterms (3/11)
  • Price Listing (4/22)
  • Store Sales Report
  • Chat Box
  • Store Analytics
  • Ledger Book
  • N° Product views by country


  • Customer Limits 1000
  • Number of orders 1 000
  • Product Categories Limit (4/14)
  • Storage Limit 1 000 MB
  • Group and Staff 10
  • Export - Incoterms (6/ 11)
  • Price Listing (6/22)
  • Store Sales Report
  • Chat Box
  • Store Analytics
  • Ledger Book
  • N° Product views by country
  • N° Store views by country


  • Customer Limits Unlimited
  • Number of orders Unlimited
  • Product Categories Limit (8/14)
  • Storage Limit 2 000 MB
  • Group and Staff Unlimited
  • Export - Incoterms (9/11)
  • Price Listing (12/22)
  • Store Sales Report
  • Chat Box
  • Store Analytics
  • Ledger Book
  • N° Store views by country
  • N° Product views by country


  • Customer Limits Unlimited
  • Number of orders Unlimited
  • Product Categories Limit (12/14)
  • Storage Limit 5 000 MB
  • Group and Staff Unlimited
  • Export - Incoterms (11/11)
  • Price Listing (18/22)
  • Store Sales Report
  • Chat Box
  • Store Analytics
  • Ledger Book
  • N° Store views by country
  • N° Product views by country

Membership Plan Explanation

Product Categories (14)

Systematic price changes in Incoterms (11)

  1. Art
  2. Ayurveda
  3. Craft
  4. Cosmetics
  5. Drinks
  6. Foods
  7. Flower
  1. Electrical
  2. Fruits
  3. Grain
  4. Packaging
  5. Spices
  6. Vegetable
  7. Other
  1. Export CFR
  2. Export CIF
  3. Export CIP
  4. Export CPT
  5. Export DAP
  6. Export DDP
  1. Export DPU
  2. Export EXW Price
  3. Export FAS
  4. Export FCA
  5. Export FOB

Systematic price availability (22)

Store Analytics

  1. Export CFR
  2. Export CIF
  3. Export CIP
  4. Export CPT
  5. Export DAP
  6. Export DDP
  7. Export DPU
  8. Export EXW Price
  9. Export FAS
  10. Export FCA
  11. Export FOB
  1. FCL Container Price – FCL
  2. Foreign Normal Courier Price
  3. LCL Container Price – LCL
  4. Local Normal Courier Price
  5. Local Retail Price
  6. Local Wholesale Price
  7. Manufacturer Retail Price
  8. Manufacturer Wholesale Price
  9. Price with foreign postage
  10. Price with local postage
  11. Special Courier Price (DHL, UPS, etc.)
  • Regions
  • Countries
  • Product analytics
  • Most viewed products
  • Analytics by dates, months, years
  • How much visitors reach my Store
  • My store traffic sources

Pro Features explanation

1. Price
  • Membership is limited to one year, and you can renew your membership each year if you wish. The membership is valid for one year from the date of renewal. You will be automatically notified to renew the membership.
  • Dashboard → Profile → Membership → Cancel → Become a vendor (website)
7. Reports  
  • Every transaction and turnover will save automatically under this report.
  • If you wish to apply for a bank loan this report is helpful to confirm your income sources.
  • You can easily print out the revenue sheets.
2. Customer Limit
  • Here is the lifetime customer amount under each membership plan.
  • You cannot find new customers if the limited amount is exceeded. Then you need to shift next best plan for you.
8. Chat Box
  • We allow the internal chatbox that sellers and buyers can internally discuss the products, price, distribution, process, product availability, quality, delivery, etc.
  • For the protection and minimize risks, frauds, and errors, we generally do not encourage you to share the contact details with each other.
  • we will not interfere in any issues that may arise after you have completed all the conversations here and the deal made outside us.
  • We may block both parties if you have violated our terms & conditions.
  • We always consider written evidence to minimize these business issues and to build a fair trade policy between any stakeholders.
  • Here shows the maximum number of products allow under each plan.
  • Product amount is limited in order to give everyone some access and opportunity.
  • The number of unlimited product adding allows only for the export market.
  • If you have a shop that has a number of products but space limited then you can request a special plan.
9. Analytics
  • It is one of the most powerful tools used to fully monitor and analyze the activities of your store.
  •  It provides a great deal of information about who is visiting your site, what they are looking for, how they search, from where they visit your site, etc.
  • Any business that wants to expand its business worldwide through the Internet can definitely use these analytics to maximize the opportunities.
4. Product Categories
  • We have 14 product categories, out of 14 you can select the most profitable and doable product categories for you.
  • We do not allow all categories for one seller.
  • We have the authority to control if you violate or making unfair selling.
10. Ledger Book
  • Here the order date, time, date of receipt, refund, refusal, withdrawal, advance payment, fees, etc., and all transaction-related data are automatically provided. A single copy will be instantly available to you, us, and the relevant buyer. It’s fully automated, So no one can cheat and make frauds, all the notes are recorded in the system.
  •  It is the same as your bank account; everything systematically records in the system. This is also helpful if you apply for a loan from a bank.
  •  All are Pdf file formats you can download or print out easily.
5. Groups & Staffs
  •  If you are not computer savvy or if you have a permanent job or if you are a very busy person or if you do not have time to focus on computer sales then you can use your own staff for your convenience. It could be a family member or an institutional staff.
  •  You can manage staff according to your guidelines.
  •  Also, you can hire a person from our company, you may need to pay, it depends on the sales usage you have, otherwise, we offer this service free of charge.
11. Export
  • We allow you to export your products directly to customers around the world. This will give you an international price for your products.
  • If you choose plan ‘export’, then you can export an unlimited number of items worldwide.
  • For export, you can deliver through your own export courier or through the world’s leading courier companies.
6. Space
  • The amount of space we give you in our system to keep your store online, which is measured here by megabytes.
  •  The storage may contain seize of your product photos, broaches, handbills; catalog, menus, etc.
12. Store Analytics

If you want to know all the analytics for your store, you can use our instant analytics solution that gives all information about your buyer’s preferences.

Overview Of The Membership Plan

  1. This is on an annual basis. You should update annually.
  2. The above plans may change from time to time depending on the market situation, demand, supply, and competition.
  3. The specialty here is that if you do not have an annual income, you can continue the plan without paying for the plan until you earn an income.
  4. Membership fees are non-refundable. You can get the right plan according to your wish.
  5. You can change the membership plan at any time through the system. You can de-activate your membership plan anytime.
  6. You can’t sell or transfer our membership application to a third party.
  7. We have the authority to cancel your application anytime if you commit any violation.
  8. We have the authority not to renew your membership application after expire it.
  9. You need to register with us to get the membership plan. Use this link for membership registration.
  10. If your seller application accepted, You can use this link for paying the membership.


Although this may seem like a single system to you, this service is provided using more than 50 different internal computer applications. These applications are purchased from world-renowned third-party computer system suppliers and presented to you as a single system design. This involves a huge amount of cost, technical service, and labor, and there may be different limitations in some applications that we can not change either because changing one application affects all other systems internally. Therefore, no matter what level of person or organization you belong to, you must agree to these limitations and always support the maintenance of this system. It is for the convenience of all who use the system. If your request is not granted, we will notify you by email.

If you, as a buyer or seller, commit any fraud or other misconduct, we may prohibit you from accessing the system at any time. We always urge sellers and buyers to follow ‘Fair Business Practices’. If you are unable to do so, please do not join us.

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